Perfect example of `watch only if you are bored` category .

so this anime is one of the best `watch only if you are bored` category . i`ll get straight to the point , it`s overall good ( exellent for those people who are bored of watching normal anime ) .

*Story* - 6.5
nothing great in the story tho . now whoever have watched even the first three episodes they would agree what i have just said . story is not that great but its good . by this i mean don`t jump to the anime thinking it has a god-like story . but here i must say that the elements of the story are quite unique like the introduction of the helper ( cant say the name due to spoilers ) the way he got out of the title etc .

*art* - 7
art is really good ! but it gets only seven due to fact that it sometimes missed the details it was supposed to show .

*Character* - 8
the characters are quite well designed , i must say ! Not only that but i quite really am impressed with the voice actors too ! However like any anime should do , it should also do the character development but since it didnt , it gets only eight points .

overall - as i said it will be one of the animes where if you didn`t enjoyed it , you wont regret it either . I will definitely recommend watching it !

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