naruto is one and will be one of the most classic and legendary anime . that being said lets hop to the review .

for me naruto is more than an anime , it will remain one of the most epic animes of all times . a classic shounen everyone should enjoy .

note - This review is SPOILER LESS so please enjoy it .

story - 9
"You cant expect any of the classic shounen anime to give you a bad storyline"
- Some legend
so that being said you don`t get dissapointed with naruto`s story . The biggest pro of this the beautiful story is that none of the characters are introduced without a pupose . Every character is beutifully written , and maybe that character is the key to the introduction for another character . Many and countless of things are attached to the character , while we think there`s only one .

however , this does not mean that all the characters got what they deserved , which brings the downhill of the storyline . Some characters died , while we wanted them to fight with our heroes aka , the main characters . While some characters did not got their amount of spotlight .

art - 6
Art is not good , however and that is the only things fans are upset about , we deserved more great art while we got only a part of it .

music - 10
One of the most epic music you`ll ever hear . This area never dissappointed me . The OST during the fight , the sad ost`s and everything never upsetted me .

character - 9
Masashi Kishimoto very well knows how to attach someone to a character . As i said earlier , it`s characters are attached to many keys , when we think that there is only one . All the characters are very acceptable . and some of them have so much great past that we are completely attached to them after . Every villain in Naruto has their own past , their own reasons and their own story for why the`ve became so . personally only naruto is the anime where i`m attached to the villain and i clearly understand what they`re trying to say ; i can clearly feel their pain .

If you`ve made this far , then you probably enjoyed my review , if so then please upvote cause this brings me joy .

Thanks !!

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