A wonderful show with a lack of appreciation. I have watched the other 3 seasons and loved them as well, and although I am upset at the sudden ending of Season 3, as I was invested into the Demon King arc, this new story is interesting in itself. My favourite character, Flax, returns and although the show centres around Sapphire (Xiao Lan), I do hope that she gets a good amount of screen time in the continuing episodes. I also hope they flesh out Beryl (Xiao Li), as I feel that his character often gets overlooked, only having notable development in a few of the first season episodes. I've seen upcoming episode trailers and this seems to be the case but none the less. To be fair to this season, I should've waited until the final episode to give my full take, and I will. However, I couldn't help but feel like whoever is uploading these episodes to YugenAnime needs some appreciation, as only a few people seem to be watching it.

In other worlds, to you little few who are watching this series along with me, HELLO!!! 你好!!! I hope to start somewhat of a discussion, as I have noone to discuss this show with in my life. I don't know much Chinese, thats why I watch the english subtitles on this version instead of straight from BilliBilli! I hope there are people watching who appreciate Flax as much as me!!

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