This is pretty well written, the story unfolds rather slowly but the well paced action sequences and cliff hangers have you reaching for the next episode. The story is solid , at first it's rather hard to keep track of and follow , everything seems like such a mystery at the start but that adds to how good the show is , that mystery has you wondering and pondering for answers . The animation and sound we're also well served , they didn't dissapoint especially the action sequences. My only issue is that it falls short when it comes to the side characters, they felt a little shallow as though they had no depth , no actual controversy to the whole show generally (this is to say for most of the side characters though, not all of them). And also the main character seems more conflicted rather than developed but in the end , he seems torn apart and unaware of the path he choose I guess that adds more to his character.
All in all , it was a good watch .

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