Out of all the anime that I have watched, this one was the one to steal my heart. A almost good-for-nothing shut-in, or, "home security guard", gets his life changed one day as he wakes up to be a she! As the anime progresses, Mahiro's ability to touch grass gets better and better, along with his social compatibility. He learns to abide with the daily deeds and struggles a typical girl would call 'normal'. He eventually makes new friends in his new lifestyle as a girl, as he is backtracked to middle school. This feminine lifestyle finaly becomes the new normal, and he now lives like any girl would. Now, just when he is enjoying his new lifestyle, another identity crisis forms as the gender-bending drug is starting to wear off (Eps. 12). Mahiro now has a big decision to make, to either abandon his new happy life as a girl by letting the drug wear off, or to take the drug once more to stay a female. The story lives up to be one of the most compelling anime plots, with cute, appeasing artistry and production on top of that. I just can't help myself and rate everything at least a 9/10!

~Zaion Zajina Reishi

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