9 : Evening at the Department Store / Kuro at Midnight

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Takeshi-kun and Emi-chan take Tama and Momo to the department store. The two cats are startled by a ride on the roof and flee. They wander into the toy section where they nod off. When they wake, it`s night and the store has closed!
Lately, Kuro has been dreaming that the vending machine in front of the store has been talking to him. But the truth is, it isn`t a dream. "Tomorrow, I must go to a far off place, says the vending machine. It has just one wish...

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The characters are Tama, Momo, Wocket, Tiggle, Rockney, Pimmy, Bupkus, Bengpu, and Chopin. There is no consistent plot. Tama and his friends just have little, family friendly, adventures every episode. The only consistency is when a new friend is made one episode and flash backs.

(Source: ANN)

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